Historically, the Jews in the Scriptures ensued their old ways of idol worship, so losing the temple again and scattered throughout the world as a punishment that has lasted until modern times. The Jewish people are now moving back to their homeland in droves from every nation in the world. God promised to bring them back even though they were disobedient; this was still His chosen people. We can learn much from our Jewish cousins about worshipping Adonai and obeying HIM.
The books of Leviticus and Ezekiel describe the temple’s architectural plan and how the Jews were to worship and live before Adonai. One day, righteous humanity will live in harmony, surrounded by God’s divine light and power with new concentrated bodies. Transformed men will establish themselves as holy before God’s face, mirroring the Jewish people’s holiness during Solomon’s temple construction. When the fire came from Heaven, the people worshiped because they were in awe of a Holy and Righteous God who was a consuming fire.

The intensity of this event was so incredible that they could not look up to Adonai, for they were not worthy. The people had temporally learned to be obedient in the presence of Holy Yahweh.
The Levitical priests could not go into the temple because they would have died before Almighty God.
Scripture states “that no man can come into the presence of God and live (Exodus 33:20).”
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