From Perfidy
“The relentless screams and cries filled the air, heightening the oppressive atmosphere. The lingering noise of stomping feet added an eerie undertone. Yelps and howls pierced the dense, moist haze, where a shrill bird call ended the ancient funeral service on planet Zarzu Genesis.
The Nephilim moaned and cried; a red mist of dirt from the volcano blasted into the atmosphere, and the funeral service ended. They bowed, and then many Nephilim swirled and sprinted toward the cave.
“Stay back!” howled the fierce angels. Raven twelve-foot angels extended their wings and covered the cave where Zerus administered his authority. The brilliant gold light blinded the crowd, but the enraged residents continued to chant and advance.
“Kill Zerus! Kill Zerus!” The chanting resounded across the planet.
The Bible describes a future period when we will witness astonishing and terrifying events on Earth. However, God’s children need not fear the creatures or weather changes to come. The book of Revelation refers to monstrous beings emerging from the abyss.
The sole purpose of these beings is to cause suffering to those who refuse to believe in the Son of man. Christian individuals will carry a concealed mark on their foreheads, confirming their protection from non-believers’ anguish. The mark pertains to a forthcoming era known as the Great Tribulation. If you have uncertainties regarding the return of Jesus Christ to Earth, take time today to reflect on your life and begin posing questions to Father God. Exploring the Book of Revelation might be worthwhile, as it provides significant perspectives on the forthcoming events that are closer to reality than we might think.”
(Revelation 9:3-6, AMP) Then out of the smoke came locusts upon the Earth, and power [to hurt] was given to them, like the power which the Earth’s scorpions have. [Ex 10:12-15] They were told not to hurt the grass of the Earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but [to hurt] only the people who do not have the seal (mark of ownership, protection) of God on their foreheads. [Ezek 9:4] They were not permitted to kill anyone, but to torment and cause them extreme pain for five months; and their torment was like the torment from a scorpion when it stings a man. And in those days people will seek death and will not find it; and they will long to die [to escape the pain], but [will discover that] death evades them. [Job 3:21]

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